Ellwood Crankshaft Group HERMITAGE, PA, USA
ECG is the only crankshaft manufacturer in the world with vertical gas nitriding capabilities for cranks up to 8-meters in overall length. We have four large vessels capable of handling seven large crankshafts per furance load. State-of-the-art ammonia burn-off units were installed in 2009. Additionally, ECG made investments into the primary crankshaft elevator system.Our mission is to be the crankshaft supplier of choice through quality, delivery, and service providing an optimum return to our employees and shareholders.
Presentation: www.ellwoodcrankshaftgroup.equip4ship.com
Address: USA, HERMITAGE, PA, 16148 2727 Freedland Road
Contact person: Commercial Department ,e-mail, website
Phone: +1 724 3470250
Fax: +1 724 3470254